hortence is the research centre for Architectural History, Theory and Criticism of the Faculty of Architecture La Cambre-Horta of the Université libre de Bruxelles
hortence is the research centre for Architectural History, Theory and Criticism of the Faculty of Architecture La Cambre-Horta of the Université libre de Bruxelles
Construction is now identified as the most resource-consuming human activity. It is widely acknowledged that the sector needs to undergo a major shift, but the possible ways remain elusive. What’s Already There presents six projects* designed by architecture firms based in Brussels that demonstrate a strong commitment to dealing responsibly with local resources—be it solar energy, geo- and bio-based materials, reclaimed construction elements, or existing structures—as well as the drive and skills of clients, users, workers, or interested peers. The exhibition is organized as a collection of stories about specific architectural elements. It is from these fragments that a larger picture emerges about the multitude of challenges that we must face today, be it as architects, clients, contractors, legislators or as users, all of us are actors in a critical sector—and more broadly inhabitants of a world that we urgently need to treat with more care.
The exhibition What’s Already There, Sustainable Architecture From Brussels is on view at the National Building Museum in Washington DC from June 2 to August 29, 2022.
It was curated by Pauline Lefebvre and Thomas Vilquin, respectively FNRS Research Associate and Lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture at ULB. The team in charge of the exhibition design also includes alumni and former assistants from the Faculty.
CURATORS Pauline Lefebvre (FNRS, ULB) & Thomas Vilquin (ULB)
EXHIBITION DESIGN Nord + Flore Fockedey + Sébastien Roy
PHOTOGRAPHY Philippe Braquenier
AN INITIATIVE OF Brussels-Capital Region: Pascal Smet, Secretary of State; Bety Waknine, director-general of; Anne Claes, director-general of Brussels International
COORDINATION (Brussels International) Lene Hardy, Roxane Lienart, Daniel Verheyden
CO-PRODUCTION National Building Museum
* Vignette by Karbon’ | Regional House Edegem by BC architects & studies | Verbiest by AgwA | Zinneke-Masui by Ouest in collaboration with Rotor | Bota Solar by Ney & Partners | MULTI by Conix RDBM Architects.