hortence is the research centre for Architectural History, Theory and Criticism of the Faculty of Architecture La Cambre-Horta of the Université libre de Bruxelles
hortence is the research centre for Architectural History, Theory and Criticism of the Faculty of Architecture La Cambre-Horta of the Université libre de Bruxelles
Working seminar Lieven De Boeck, The Archive of Disappearance. A Field Guide to Getting Lost.
Lieven De Boeck will introduce the seminar by reading a letter he has written to Brazilian artist Hélio Oiticica.
In this letter, he formulated some questions concerning his artworks called Parangolés. These questions are then formulated into an experiment will be effectuated during the seminar. Active participation of the audience is requested.
Hélio Oiticica developed in this Parangolé, the concept of probjects, the probability an object invites the viewer to participate in the creation of a worksite; this is a context for the work creating its meaning. During this activation the work appears. We will try to experience this idea during the working seminar.
Gilles Collard a créé la revue Pylône en 2003. Il est professeur de Philosophie générale à l’ENSAV-La Cambre, où il est également en charge du Master Textes et création littéraire. Il prépare un livre sur la vie et l’oeuvre de Klaus Mann, à paraître aux éditions Grasset.
Dans le séminaire il présentera son travail sur Klaus Mann en pointant plusieurs enjeux contemporains concernant notamment le rapport entre la vie et l’oeuvre, la manière dont l’acte biographique permet une saisie de soi en même temps qu’il soulève des enjeux politiques.
Image. Studio Lieven De Boeck, Copy of original copy Hélio Oiticica, Parangolé Capa 21, ‘Xoxoba’, for Nininha de Mangueira, scale 1/2