Séminaire Habiter/Hortence: “In the name of development”

Presentation by Professor Sebastiaan Loosen as part of a joint Hortence/Habiter seminar organised by Ben Clark. The seminar will be held in the White Room (Library, 3rd floor Flagey) on 19 March at 16:00.

Registration link : https://forms.office.com/e/T44FY4w8iN

Access the seminar online here

Sebastiaan Loosen is senior lecturer and postdoctoral researcher at the Chair of the History and Theory of Urban Design (ETH Zürich). His current research aims to chart the role of architectural schools, centres and institutes in contributing to the 1960-80s agenda of ‘foreign aid’ by means of ‘South-oriented’ training programs and research projects in architecture, urbanism, and spatial planning. On this topic, he recently co-edited a double theme issue of ABE Journal, “Architecture
Beyond Europe on ‘Architecture in the Foreign Aid-Funded Knowledge Economy” (2023). His presentation will focus on one of his latest research projects, entitled ‘In the Name of Development’, which he initiated at KTH Stockholm.

Image: From Torvald Åkesson, ‘Education – In Marble Halls or Under Trees. Low-Cost Houses in East Africa, Especially Ethiopia and Tanzania’, compiled self-published report, c. 1965, Stockholm. Collection KTH Library.